If You Meet Sartana Pray for Your Death

If You Meet Sartana Pray for Your Death Italian Se incontri Sartana prega per la tua morte , also known as Sartana, is a 1968 spaghetti western film directed by Gianfranco Parolini. The film stars Gianni Garko, William Berger, Fernando Sancho and Klaus Kinski, and features a musical score by Piero Piccioni.

The name Sartana first appeared in the film Blood at Sundown Mille dollari sul nero, 1967, in which Garko played an antagonist called El General Sartana. The film was very successful in Germany and known by the short title Sartana. Italian producer Aldo Addobbati noticed the films success and set up a coproduction with a German producer in Italy. Garko was offered a contract and he accepted after inserting a clause stating that the script must be approved by him. In a 2005 interview, Garko said he wanted a subject that would not be based on vengeance, as he had already portrayed characters bent on revenge in Blood at Sundown and Guns of Violence 10.000 dollari per un massacro, 1967. After he turned down several scripts with a revenge theme, Renato Izzo wrote a story about a smart, nonsentimental character that profits by putting himself between two rival groups. Sartanas use of mechanical gadgets was added by director Parolini, who was a fan of the James Bond films. If You Meet Sartana Pray for Your Death then went into production.An elderly couple on a horsedrawn carriage is attacked by a gang led by Morgan Kinski. Sartana Garko arrives on the scene and kills the robbers except for Morgan who gets away. Soon after,a stagecoach is robbed and the passengers murdered by a Mexican gang, at the order of General Jose Manuel Mendoza Sancho. However, the gang is ambushed and killed by Lasky Berger and his men. Lasky then tells his gang that he will meet them later. As the men are about to open the strongbox from the coach, Lasky kills them all with a Gatling gun. After opening the box, he found it only contained rocks instead of gold. He heads to town to meet Jeff Stewal Sydney Chaplin and Alman Gianni Rizzo, a politician and a banker, to collect his payment as part of an insurance fraud. ........

Source: Wikipedia